# Spring Security Overview

Published 2023-07-02

This tutorial is a Spring Security architecture overview.

Please take a look at the picture above.

Here are the steps the request pass through:

Step #1: The client send a request to the Servlet Server.

Step #2: Before the request arrive to the servlet container, there are a couple of Filters the request pass through. These filters must be defined. Not all the filters are related to the security and not all are managed by Spring Security. Filter #1, Filter #n are filters managed by the Application and not by Spring Security. At one point we have DelegatingFilterProxy, which is a filter, and it acts as a bridge/link between the application and spring security filter chain.

Step #3: Each time a request pass through DelegatingFilterProxy, it passes the request to the FilterChainProxy (a filter).

Step #4: The authentication is the first thing which is done. The Authentication Filter takes care of this.

Step #5: The Authentication Filter use the Authentication Manager for handling the authentication.

Step #6: The Authentication Manager interacts with 1 or more Authentication Providers in order to get the authentication information. This information is defined in Authentication interface. If the information provided is not validated by the Authentication Providers, the authentication fails.

Step #7: The Authentication Providers are using a PasswordEncoder and an UserDetailService.

Step #8: The Authentication information is stored in Security Context Holder. The Authorities information is added.

Step #9: FilterChainProxy (based on Security Filter Chains definition) determines which Security Filter Chain instance should be invoked for the current request.

Step #10: A specific SecurityFilterChain will be invoked for the current request.

Step #11: The authorization filters take decision based on the Security Context (Authentication information).

Step #12: When Spring Security finish its job, the request is passed back to DelegatingFilterProxy.

Step #13: After DelegatingFilterProxy, some other filters might run.

Step #14: If the request is authorized, the request rich the Servlet Container. The request will be executed and a response will be sent to the client.

Enjoy Spring Security framework !